Sunday, January 9, 2011

Catcher in the Rye

This controversial book takes place in the late 1940's, more specifically in 1949. The story is told by only one person, Holden Caulfield, a college student failing out of Pencey Prep in Agerstown, Pennsylvania. When Holden abruptly packs his bags and leaves the school,he heads to New York City by train but not to visit his family. He checks into a hotel while he visits familiar sites and recollects past experiences and feelings. His superficial comments he makes to himself about the people he encounters reminds the reader he has serious psychological problems. His dark humor and even darker thoughts show true distress while his egotistical tendencies and depression get the best of him.

1- Do you feel that mental illness or insanity is prominent from birth or caused through a variety of factors one might experience through life itself?

2- In relevance to the first question, how do you think Holden came to this mental state?